Sunday, July 17, 2011

My voice

Your voice is your soul in sound! It is unique to you and your resonance holds the key to developing your confidence, personal power, self esteem, ability to heal and transform your own life and the lives of those you love when you sing or heal!

Since time began sound has been used to heal body, mind & spirit. Our whole universe is made up of sound and light vibration. Every culture in the world uses chants, songs & tones to celebrate life, bring joy, mourn, heal pain, dance and connect with the inner self and God. We can be moved by a beautiful singing voice, have our emotions played with in film music, go into trance through drumming, and heal by receiving a pure vocal tone that affects the physical & emotional body.

Sound is in us and around us! We are one with the vibration of sound in every cell of our body. Listen to nature, hear and feel how it affects your body. The sound of the wind, the ocean, birdsong, & dolphins. When we ‘tune in’ to nature and access our own sounds we raise our awareness and connection with all living things on our planet. Using our voice and music to ‘tune ourselves up’ we can connect with our inner self and have better relationships with the world around us. We are grounded, confident and can live in greater harmony.

Learning to go within with your voice is an amazing experience. It is not until you really get in touch with your own voice that deep healing and powerful transformation can happen. We each resonate at our own frequency and the healing energy of the voice is the most powerful of all sound healing modalities. This is because you are working with the love of the universe and carrying this energy through the resonance of the tone that is used. Science has shown that high frequency sounds charge the cerebral cortex, balancing left and right brain function. Sound can take you into deep states of altered consciousness; it soothes the central nervous system, strengthens the immune system and can ‘re-pattern’ our cellular vibrational frequencies to give us better health.
The voice is the ultimate amazing energy for opening the heart and allowing love to flow more freely. It is not about intellectual involvement with singing technique, it is about feeling, loving and healing……. freeing the soul like nothing else. A person receiving a voice healing may experience a beautiful deep sense of love and peaceful connection, or if transpersonal work is required issues that need to be released may come up. The healer brings through the universal resonance of love in the vocal tones and if the client uses their voice too the healing is greater. Long standing blockages move, deep pain is released, trauma is healed and joy returns to life! Healing takes place for yourself when you use your voice to sing and produce tones. It is a wonderful way to keep yourself in good health!

When singing commercially……this ‘soul voice’ is what many term the ‘unconscious voice’. It is when the mind lets go of how, why and what and lets the voice come through in it’s true state. Technique hones a voice for ‘ways or styles’ of singing. The ‘souls voice’ needs no mind interference, it bypasses the mind and brings through the uniqueness of the individuals voice! Have you noticed this when you ‘get lost’ in a song? This is when your soul takes over! Next time you are singing really notice what happens to you in your songs and where you can recognise your soul’s voice not just the techniques.
Have you wondered why some nights your audience is great and other nights not so good? Have you ever thought that it might be your own problem in that ‘your voice’ was not so good that night? The audience reflects what we give out. They acutely pick up on your performance….if you are singing from ‘you’ or just going through the motions. Why do we say ‘that singer has soul’ and we don’t say it for all singers? All voices have soul if you are singing from your soul….if you are just singing without feeling or heart in your voice then it’s noticed. Your singing reflects you!

Our voice provides the healing energy for these times. We have moved to a higher awareness of sound in the universe. Now is the time to come into harmony with ourselves, those around us and the planet with our voices through our singing! Our voice and songs are natural healers when we sing from our souls…from our hearts! Let your voice flow naturally ……With love


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